Ela: 49 Writers Weekly Round-up

While you’re enjoying your summer — and we hope you are! — 49 Writers is busy planning for a very literary fall, including the Tutka Bay Lodge retreat that we keep telling you about on our right sidebar. The registration is now officially open to the public, whether or not you are a writing center member; we’re nearing half-full, so don’t delay in signing up. About our guest instructor, David Vann, we are happy to make yet another announcement. Sukkwan Island (the central novella in Vann’s Legend of a Suicide) recently won the Le Prix des Lecteurs de L’Express , a national book prize in France. He also won Le Prix des Lecteurs de la Maison du Livre de Rodez, another French book prize.

During the summer, Raven Place operates as a guesthouse, but you can get a peek at our little house on L Street by attending First Friday author signings, which will be held on the Raven Place porch. The very first — today, from 6 to 8 pm — will feature Kris Farmen, author of The Devil’s Share.

Today, Fri July 2nd, Cirque Number 2 is being celebrated again!
As part of their First Friday After Hours salon, MTS Gallery presents a reading to celebrate Cirque Number 2. Doors open at 8, reading starts promptly at 9.
3142 Mountain View Dr., Anchorage, AK, 99514.

John Morgan would love us to remind you that his poem, “The End,” is being featured in Poetry Daily today, Friday July 2nd.

An eclectic lineup of talks takes place this month at the UAA Campus Bookstore:

Monday July 12 from 11:30am-1:00pm
The Wicked World of Amy Stewart: Author of Wicked Plants: The Weed That Killed Lincoln’s Mother and Other Botanical Atrocities and the forthcoming Wicked Bugs.

Wednesday July 14 from 4:00pm-6:00pm
Dr. Scott Gavorsky presents Bastille Day: A Lesson in History

Thursday July 15 from 5:00pm-6:00pm
Dr. Ann Jache discusses Aging Themes in the Books of the Year

Thursday July 22 from 12:00pm-1:00
Dr.Nina Wieda presents “How the Russian Soul is Made: Spending and Wasting in Russian Culture”

These events are free and open to the public: see the special events page on the bookstore’s website for full details.

The Alaska Writers’ Guild announces its monthly meeting: On Tuesday, July 20th, Elise Sereni Patkotak will present on The Circuitous Route to Writing. 7pm at the Fireplace at Barnes and Noble, Anchorage. Free and open to the public.

The Magazine F Zine announces upcoming themes and invites submissions:
The upcoming themes for fiction, creative nonfiction and poetry are as follows:

1. August – “Random Acts”
2. September – “The Things We Lose”
3. October – “Learning a craft”
4. November – “Altered States”
5. December – “Villains, Scoundrels and Low Down Dirty Bastards”

Guidelines: The deadline is the 10th of every month preceding publication theme. (This may change, as submissions are increasing weekly). As with all preceding themes, they encourage you to define these themes figuratively and with artistic license. Fiction, prose, creative non-fiction, and essays are between 500-800 words. Poetry is to be no more than 1 page; multiple submissions encouraged.

As part of UAA’s MFA residency this month, there will be some inspirational and highly entertaining author readings. The Northern Renaissance Arts and Science Series presents nine evenings of readings, free and open to the public, featuring 18 nationally-recognized authors.

The series begins with keynote speaker, Kim Addonizio Sunday, July 11, 8-9:30 (doors open at 7:30) in UAA Fine Arts, 150. Other writers from ‘outside’ are Craig Childs (nonfiction), Ed Allen (fiction), Carolyn Turgeon (fiction), Judith Barrington (poetry), Kate Gale (poetry), and Valerie Miner (fiction and essays).

New this year: some drama! Associate faculty member, Zack Rogow (poetry), will present a reading of his play, “Things I Didn’t Know I Loved.”

Other Alaskan authors: Nancy Lord, Writer Laureate of Alaska; Sherry Simpson, Rich Chiappone, Derick Burleson, Peggy Shumaker, David Stevenson, Linda McCarriston, Anne Caston, Jo-Ann Mapson and John Keeble.

See their web-announcement for the full schedule, reader bios and other details.
Happy Fourth of July!