Ela: 49 Writers Weekly Round-up

Are you a 49 Writers member?  While you can enjoy most of what happens at 49 Writers/49 Alaska Writing Center without joining, members get special perks: discounts on classes and retreats, free admission to our popular Crosscurrents on-stage conversations, discounted Raven’s Brew coffee at our 49 Writers Café, and invitations to exclusive members-only events.  Most of all, your membership funds our mission to support creative writers from throughout Alaska at all stages of their development while building an audience for Alaska literature.
If you became a member between May 1, 2010 and May 1, 2011, your membership expires in a little over one week – on October 1, 2011.  We’ve now set up memberships so they expire exactly one year from the date you sign up, or from the expiration date, if you renew in advance.  Our membership drive begins today and runs through October.  
Thanks to Barb Hood of the Great Harvest Bread Company, the first 100 people who activate or renew a 49 Writers membership will receive a coupon for a free loaf of delicious Great Harvest Bread along with their membership cards.  In addition, if you bring your membership card (yes – we now have membership cards) to our new 49 Writers Café at Out North for our first open studio session on Sunday, October 9, 1-4 pm, you’ll receive a free cup of Raven’s Brew coffee.  So don’t delay – join or renew today.  Even if you’re renewing, please fill out the membership form so we can make sure our contact information is current.
Online voting ends today, September 23 in our WYAK Zombies Invade Alaska contest.  We’re thrilled to have had so many wonderful entries, including many from outside of Anchorage.  Thanks to WYAK volunteer contest coordinator Jen Walker for a job well done!
To officially launch our fall literary season, the 49 Writers Student Celebration on September 30 will feature former students reading short selections from their work. 
We’ll gather at the 49 Writers’ Café at Out North Contemporary Art House at 3800 DeBarr Road in Anchorage from 7 PM to 9 PM – everyone’s welcome. Former 49 Writers students from any classes or retreats should send a note to 49WritersStudentCelebration@gmail.com if they’re interested in reading.  And of course you know we’re registering now for our entire fall line-up of 49 Writers courses.  Classes begin Oct. 4 in Anchorage and Fairbanks.
Remember we’re also recruiting instructors for our WYAK Write Young Alaska effort.  If you’re a writer who’d like to help kids get excited about writing, we want to hear from you by Oct. 1 http://www.emailmeform.com/builder/form/NUJ2p01FiVx09mgbdral1S9 .  We’re working to secure funding so that we can offer payment to workshop instructors.  
We’ll be sending out two more batches of free posters and bookmarks  before Alaska Book Week begins on Oct. 8.  And remember to visit the Alaska Book Week site www.alaskabookweek.com where you can click on the pages to find out how others are celebrating and link to an easy form to tell us how you plan the celebrate. With any luck, we’ll soon be announcing an Executive Proclamation from the Governor that makes Alaska Book Week official.
We’re still looking for someone to clean at our 3rd Avenue location – only two hours a month during October, November, February, March, and April.  And if you enjoy our our Events and Deadlines pages here at the blog, we could use some help in maintaining them.  Email 49writers@gmail.com for details. 
It slipped by quietly, but it’s still worth noting:  we recently passed the 1000 mark on blog posts at 49 Writers.  Thanks to all who’ve written guest posts, and of course to all of our faithful readers.  
This Saturday, September 24, from 12 noon to 3pm, author Joyce Porte will be at the Homer Bookstore (Pioneer Ave) to sign copies of her new book, the third in her Tanganyika Trilogy. The first two will also be available.
On Tuesday September 27, 7-8pm, join the Anchor Park reading group to discuss Begat: The King James Bible and the English Language by David Crystal. Barnes and Noble, 200 E. Northern Lights, Anchorage.
On Thursday, September 29, 7pm, Levi Johnston will be signing copies of Deer in the Headlights: My Life in Sarah Palin’s Crosshairs. Barnes and Noble, 200 E. Northern Lights, Anchorage.
On Friday, September 30, 4pm, the UAA Campus Bookstore presents the Amazing Mystery Writer J.A. Jance, author of 45 books. Cosponsored with Arctic Cliffhangers (Sisters in Crime).
On Friday, September 30, 7pm, the University of Alaska Fairbanks English Department presents MFA faculty Dr Johnny Payne and James Englehardt as part of the 2011-2012 Midnight Sun Visiting Writer Series.
On Wednesday, October 5 at 6pm, as part of the 25th Anniversary celebrations for Loussac Library, author, NPR book reviewer and librarian action figure model Nancy Pearl will speak on “The Pleasure and Perils of a Life of Reading.” Wilda Marston Theatre, Z.J. Loussac Public Library, 3600 Denali St, Anchorage. A book signing and reception will immediately follow the lecture.
Nominations are now being accepted for the William Saroyan International Prize for Writing. Two prizes of $5,000 each are given biennially for works of fiction and nonfiction. Cosponsored by the Stanford University Libraries and the William Saroyan Foundation, the awards are intended to “encourage new or emerging writers and honor the Saroyan legacy of originality, vitality and stylistic innovation.”
Visit the website for more information, including entry forms, contest rules and complete guidelines.  
Entries must be received on or before January 31 2012.

1 thought on “Ela: 49 Writers Weekly Round-up”

  1. Andromeda Romano-Lax

    So nice of Barb Hood and Great Harvest Bread to make that bread offer! Wow.

    And also: 1000 posts. Have we been around that long? Thanks to everyone who sends us info and guest-posts. We love variety!

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