Publishing is one of those topics that brings out strident opinions. When I’m asked advice about where and how to publish, I always turn the question around. I ask:
- Who do you want to read your work?
- Are you thinking you want to earn money from it? How much?
- Is prestige important to you?
- How many people do you want to have access to the “published” product?
These questions usually help me give advice, but I am usually loath to do so. I have only experienced one type of publishing, and these days there are so many other possibilities I know nothing about. I hope that Anchorage writers will make time to join us on March 24 at 7pm (Anchorage Museum) for a Crosscurrents event entitled “Bucking Tradition: Other Routes to Publishing Success.”
The publishing industry is in a constant state of change. It is increasingly difficult to find success at the big New York publishing houses, but other routes to publishing success exist. Join Martha Amore, Peter Dunlap-Shohl, and Tracy Sinclare as they discuss their experiences bringing books to print. They’ll discuss what factors writers consider when they seek to see their work in print and the differences between traditional publishing, publishing with a university press, a small press, and self-publishing. The panel will be moderated by Lizbeth Meredith.