John Haines: 1924-2011

The news reached us today that John Haines passed away last evening at around 9:30 pm Alaska time, “surrounded by many of his friends in Fairbanks who read poems from Winter News during his last hours,” according to a letter addressed to “Friends of John Haines.”

The Alaska Dispatch carried this brief notice with additional links. Feel free to leave any comments about Haines, “the first significant Alaskan poet,” according to the Dispatch headline.

5 thoughts on “John Haines: 1924-2011”

  1. I was so sad to hear this news. "The Stars, The Snow, The Fire" is, in my opinion, one of the finest Alaskan books out there. I only met John Haines once, briefly, at Fireside Books, but I know his writing will stay with me forever.

  2. Ah John,

    I hope heaven is a cabin in the snow, a dog at your feet, and an eternity to sing words through your head.
    You shall be missed,


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