Linda: 49 Writers Weekly Roundup

The board of 49 Writers is delighted to welcome two new members from Juneau, Joan Pardes and Katrina Pearson. Board president Don Rearden speaks for all of us when he says, “We’re excited to add Joan and Katrina to our ranks
for so many reasons, including the incredible breadth of experience and
knowledge they’ll bring to our organization
.” Joan has expertise in public relations, marketing, and communications, while Katrina has worked as a bookseller, marketer for Alaskan publishers and, most recently, co-founded Shorefast Editions with fellow Alaskan Colleen Mondor. 49 Writers is planning some exciting programming in Southeast in 2014, starting with a Resolve to Write event for Juneau members in January, and we appreciate the support and involvement of these talented individuals.

Do you have more Alaska Airlines miles than you know what to do with?? If
so—or if the season’s spirit of giving seizes you—we’re looking for mileage donations to bring some excellent authors to Anchorage in 2014: Sitka writers John Straley and Brendan Jones will give craft talks/teach for us and North Carolina author Katey Schultz (Flashes of War) needs to get to Anchorage from Seattle after AWP to teach and give a craft talk. With your help, we can make this happen. Our authors and instructors are most generous of their time and talent already, and where possible we want to assist with their travel. 

So we’ve now provided a teaser for the spring season at 49 Writers…once all the arrangements are in place we’ll be announcing the full lineup of creative writing classes, Crosscurrents events, and Reading & Craft Talks. Stay tuned!

If you want up-to-the-minute news and information, remember to like 49 Writers on Facebook. Our following has increased 38 percent since the beginning of the year as more people want to get daily reports on literary happenings in Alaska and beyond—why not be in the know and help us meet the goal of 1,000 fans in 2014?

For all you Pick.Click.Givers, 49 Writers is delighted to be one of 56 new nonprofits added to the PFD donor list. Help us by spreading the word to your family and friends: designating a gift when you file your PDF is just one way of showing that you Lovalaska, the new Pick.Click.Give theme.

Last week we encouraged you to sign up for Jeremy Pataky’s Advanced Poetry Writers’ Workshop at UAA. This week, we want to be sure you know that Homer poet Erin Hollowell (Pause, Traveler) is teaching an Introduction to Creative Writing: Poetry class this spring ONLINE. Maybe you’ve always wanted to learn how to write poetry, or write poetry better. And maybe you’re one of those people that wants to learn how to write poetry while sitting on your sofa in your pajamas. Erin can make that happen for you! That’s right, poetry and pajamas (or sweatpants, or whatever makes you comfortable and happy). Register here

Today, Dec. 13, 6-8pm, Barnes & Noble, Anchorage: Don Rearden will be signing copies of The Raven’s Gift.

Tomorrow, Dec. 14, 4-6pm: Marybeth Holleman (Among Wolves) will be signing books at
Fireside Books in Palmer, and on Dec. 15, 2pm, you can join her for a one-hour
presentation and book signing at Eagle
River Nature Center

Tomorrow, Dec. 14, 7pm, Fairbanks Arts Association Bear Gallery: Join us as we welcome to the gallery Libbie Martin for the launch of her new book I’m Just Her Father. Come and enjoy the book launch celebration and opportunity to speak with author Elizabeth A. (Libbie) Martin. Books will be available for purchase so you can get your very own signed copy!

Sunday, Dec. 15, 5pm, Del Shirley Room, Allen Hall (on SJ Campus), Sitka: Join
 Island Institute for a reading and conversation between John Daniel and
Carolyn Servid. Fellow-writers, colleagues, and friends for more than fifteen years,
this is their first opportunity to read together. $15
admission; hors d’oeuvres, wine, and cider will be served.

Sunday, Dec. 15, 7pm: 360 North will air the recording of Thursday’s debut Writers’ Showcase at KTOO, featuring 49 Writers members Heather Lende and Clint Farr, as well as the work of Geoff Kirsch, Rockwell Kent, and others. Writers are wanted for future shows, so check out the schedule on the KTOO website.

January 6-10, 2014, 6-8pm, UAF Fairbanks Campus: Publish your ebook on Kindle and
Nook. Fairbanks author David Marusek is offering another non-credit course on
self-publishing ebooks as part of the 2014 WINTERmester. We’ll cover
the basics of file conversion, cover design, proofing, and uploading to major
online booksellers. Come with words and an image idea for a cover and learn how
to turn them into a published ebook. CRN: 39057, classes held on Monday-Wednesday-Friday.

Friday, Jan. 10,
Jitters in Eagle River: The Living Room: Eagle River Writers Read debuts with
an evening of readings by friends and neighbors. Don’t miss this exciting new
initiative by local writers! Come out to show your support.

a piece of Alaska this holiday season: UAA Campus Bookstore events are now
available at iTunes U and are organized into four categories—Literary
Events, Alaska Connections, Faculty Amplified, and Guest Collections—with 12
collections. To access, click here or simply
search “UAA” or “UAA Campus Bookstore” in the iTunes store. More than 100
events have been posted and you may be surprised to see what is there. As special
events coordinator Rachel Epstein says, “For me, it represents the best of