Lynn Lovegreen: Journey of a Novel: How I Got from Unpublished to Published Workshop

I started writing Fools
in 2006. It was
published in 2013. Each writer’s journey is different, but mine is one of
perseverance, planning, and a little luck. During those years, I revised,
listened to critiques, revised, learned about publishing, queried, revised,
then queried again. And even that long sentence leaves out a few steps. When
people say, “How did you get published?” I can’t sum it up in a paragraph. But
I’d be happy to share the longer version with you.  
My first novel was released in December, 2013, and my
unpublished friends always ask me how it happened. This class provides a
structured way to answer that question for other unpubbed writers. I will tell
the story of my journey and suggest ways writers can find time to write, set
writing and career goals, and look for opportunities to become published.
Participants will leave with a list of goals and ideas tailored to their
individual journeys.
This 2-hour workshop will be held February 8.
For more information and to register, see

up in Alaska, and still lives there. She taught English for 20 years before
retiring to make more time for writing. She enjoys reading, hanging out with
friends and family, and hitting targets with a cowboy action shooting club. Her
young adult historical romances are set in the Alaska Gold Rush, a great time
for drama, romance, and independent characters.
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