A new Facebook Discussion Page for 49 Writers, and Writing Rules Meant to be Broken

Do you know that Juneau writer and 49 Writers volunteer Jen Walker has started a new Facebook Group page for us, in response to a recent post asking how we might freshen things up at 49 Writers?

Some readers favor Facebook as a more interactive medium, and Jen had the idea that occasional questions (some related to exisiting 49 Writers blogposts, some not, perhaps on a weekly basis) might spark some discussions. As long as you’re on Facebook anyway, why not pop over to add your thoughts?

If you have any trouble joining the group, let us know.

To kick things off, I plan to ask fellow FB Group Members about the writing rules most worth questioning. What rules do you think obfuscate as much as clarify; what restrictions puzzle you?

I recently heard wonderful short story writer Aimee Bender give a lecture on this very topic, and I’ll share some of her ideas next week. But first, whether here in the comment box or on FB, give us your list of rules meant to be questioned or broken.

1 thought on “A new Facebook Discussion Page for 49 Writers, and Writing Rules Meant to be Broken”

  1. Lynn Lovegreen

    Any rule can be overdone and need to be broken. But one of my pet peeves is "no passive tense." Many people take that too far and criticize people for using past present tense or other constructions. Really, it's okay to use "have" once in a while. 🙂

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