Our Early Bird Registration Tote Bag Winner!

The new raven logo writing center tote bag, modeled by a volunteer!

A blogger glitch delayed the posting of this information over the holiday weekend, but we are very happy to share it now:

Congratulations to Karen Tschannen of Anchorage, winner of our new raven logo tote bag. Karen was one of over 30 early registrants who signed up for fall writing classes in August and her name was picked with help from a random number generator.

September is underway and some of our classes are filling fast. We have a robust lineup of eight classes on the fall roster, including these four which begin in October. (And that’s just three weeks away!) October classes are Memory as Muse with Andromeda Romano-Lax; Adventures in Creative Nonfiction: The Art of the Personal Essay with Bill Sherwonit; Working the Edge with Sandy Kleven; and Revision Intensive with Deb Vanasse. To read class descriptions and find all the registration info, go to our new website, http://www.49writingcenter.org/.