Sarah? OUR SARAH? We’re scrambling here…

Woken up this morning by an eastcoast time zone call to tell us that Sarah was picked as McCain’s VP. It’s like hearing that your own cousin was chosen. Emails humming with subject lines that say “OMG.” But this is a litblog, not a general blog, so let me point you toward some Alaska writers who will have plenty to say about Sarah in the weeks to come (I’m sure they are typing as fast as their fingers will let them):

Amanda Coyne and Tony Hopfinger, veteran reporter/freelancers, who in a lightning stroke of coincidence started an Alaska news website called ALASKA DISPATCH just about 3 weeks ago.

They’ve been hot on the trail of Stevens allegations and the Young/Parnell standoff, but this latest news blows off the roof. Congrats on your new website, Amanda and Tony, and may you lose lots of sleep during the exciting weeks ahead.