Savor the Rising Words! Second Annual Poetry Broadside Invitational

This April, Great Harvest Bread Company is sponsoring a
second poetry broadside invitational in honor of National Poetry Month.
Broadsides are a traditional form that pairs the written word with a visual
presentation. Broadly defined, a poetry broadside combines the words of a poem
with visual imagery. Though often printed on a letterpress or in other
printmaking media, for purposes of the exhibit, “broadside” will include any
presentation that combines original poetry and original artwork (including
photos) on thick paper (at least card stock weight) no greater than 14” x 18”
in size. Collaborative poet/artist pieces and collage pieces are welcome as
long as they do not exceed the size limit. 
Members of 49 Writers and past or present participants in 49
Writers workshops are invited to submit poetry broadsides for display at Great
Harvest Bread Co. throughout the month of April. Featured poets will be
encouraged to read their works during a public event at the bakery at a date
and time to be determined. Broadsides in the exhibit will be available for sale
and proceeds will be donated to 49 Writers; those not sold will be retained by
49 Writers for future displays or events.
Here are the details to enter:
Deadline: TUESDAY, March 29, 2016. Submissions should be well
wrapped in an envelope or paper and mailed or delivered by this date to the
following address:
Great Harvest Bread Co.   
Attn: Barbara Hood
570 East Benson, Suite 22   
Anchorage, AK 99503
Please make sure your name(s) appear on the piece and
include a completed Entry Form (download here) with your submission. All
entrants will receive a coupon for a free loaf of bread and heartfelt
gratitude, and additional prizes will be given. Don’t miss this opportunity to
share your creative work and support a great cause!
Please contact Barbara at or
907-301-5362. Thanks!
I’ve got to stick my two cents in here…. I LOVE poetry
broadsides and own quite a few of them. My secret (and now not-so-secret) wish
is to own a letterpress so that I could learn to create poetry broadsides for
Alaska’s poets. It’s an incredibly beautiful and versatile medium that pairs
literary art with visual art. So, I hope that all of the incredible poets out
there will send Barb a broadside, either a traditional one or one they’ve
created to highlight their work.
I can’t tell you how much fun I think this project is, and
how grateful I am to Barb Hood and the Great Harvest Bread Company for
sponsoring and hosting it! I’ll be sending one of the broadsides that was
created for my first book by a press in Washington. I can’t wait to see the the
rest of them!
take care,


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