Alaska Book Festival

Deb: 49 Writers weekly round-up

We hear the Skagway’s Red Onion is buzzing with lit chat and writer-types as the North Words Symposium launches this week.  Our own Andromeda Romano-Lax is there, along with Dana Stabenow, Kim Heacox, Dan Henry, Tim Woody, Dave Hunsaker, Sherry Simpson, Nita Nettleton, Kaylene Johnson, Peggy Shumaker, Elisabeth Dabney, Jeff Brady, and Buckwheat.  We’ll look

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Alaska Book Festival Highlights

UAF’s third annual Alaska Book Festival got off to a great start with an authors reception, complete with wine, tasty appetizers, and live music in a section of the Rasmuson Library. Plenty of authors, both local and festival invitees, were in attendance. I caught up with Jane Haigh, Elyse Guttenberg, Yelena Matusevich, and Nicole Stellon

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49 writers weekly round-up

As you head off to the Book Festival and the Kachemak Bay Writers Conference and the Last Frontier Theater Conference next week, remember that we’re looking for reports from attendees to share with our readers – maybe a wrap-up from a great session, inspiration imparted, or just your thoughts and musings. Send your contribution to

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