manuscript critiques

Deb: Your Book’s First Pages – Why They Matter, and a Critique Opportunity

One reason first pages matter: the “look inside” feature No matter how you publish, first pages are crucial. From reading the first five to ten pages (sometimes even your first page or two), your readers—including agents and editors, if you’re going that route—are going to decide whether your book is worth their time, money, and

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Deb: The Bounce

“People say I don’t take criticism well, but I say, what the hell do they know?” Groucho Marx Some call it resilience, but I think that’s too nice a word, too easy. I prefer bounce, because it often comes with a smack, and the whole game can ride on which way it lands. I’m talking

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49 Writers Weekly Round-Up

Welcome to 2010!  Some may call it arbitrary, but I appreciate the opportunity to evaluate, assess, and refocus as the new year unfolds.  Exactly one year ago, Andromeda Romano-Lax and I started the new year by joining forces here at 49 Writers, aiming to promote the good work of Alaskan authors by engaging an active community of

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