Michael Engelhard

Alignments by Michael Engelhard

“Look at the boaters down there.” As a nonfiction writer with a passion for history and adventure, I sometimes tap webs that link individuals over centuries, millennia even, and thousands of miles apart, individuals otherwise not connected. For the cover of my new collection of Grand Canyon essays No Walk in the Park, I sought

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Mao’s Head: The Quest for the Perfect Title by Michael Engelhard

“What’s in a title?” riffs David Petersen in Writing Naturally, his down-to-earth guide for aspiring nature writers. A good title, he answers himself, must grab a browsing reader’s attention, foreshadow what is to follow, and prompt you to flip over a book for its back cover text or, more likely nowadays, click on its link

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Michael Engelhard | Breitbarted

It’s an old saw that, once writers release their creations into the world, they sort of relinquish control over them. Released like birds, words come home to roost or fall prey to sniping ambush. I am not speaking of rights signed over to publishers here, or of the comments sections of online publications—home for truculent

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Ela: 49 Writers Weekly Round-up

Remember the 49 Writers First Friday book signing from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. tonight at the International Gallery of Contemporary Art, 427 D St. in Anchorage.  Deb Vanasse will be signing read-aloud titles for young readers (Under Alaska’s Midnight Sun, Totem Tale, Alaska Animal Babies) and books for older readers (Amazing Alaska, ages 7-10; A Distant Enemy,

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