Nancy Lord

49 writers weekly round-up

Have we mentioned lately how much we appreciate all of you readers? And not only because you send us great stuff for the round-up. But we do love that great stuff. For instance, Sundrose brings to our attention that Homer author Daniel Coyle’s new book The Talent Code is coming out soon, and he’s got

49 writers weekly round-up Read More »

Lessons from an ‘Outsider’ who ‘gets it right’: Guest-post by Nancy Lord

One of the pleasures of travel is finding books related to the places we visit, thus enlarging our understandings of those places before, during, or after our visits. After visiting Kaktovik, I read Charles Brower’s memoir Fifty Years Below Zero—not specific to Kaktovik but a work that filled in, for me, some history of the

Lessons from an ‘Outsider’ who ‘gets it right’: Guest-post by Nancy Lord Read More »

Our Alaska State Writer on Getting Away: How to find and enjoy writers’ residencies

by Nancy Lord I enjoyed Andromeda’s post of 1/28 regarding Alaska writing retreats, and the comments that followed. It happens that I’m at a writing retreat — colony, residency, whatever name you want to give it — right now. It also happens that (I’m quite sure of this) I’ve been to more writing retreats (15

Our Alaska State Writer on Getting Away: How to find and enjoy writers’ residencies Read More »

Nancy Lord, Alaska State Writer, on Brower’s “Fifty Years Below Zero”

by Nancy Lord Recently, when I was in Kaktovik (for book research), someone told me I needed to read Fifty Years Below Zero, Charles Brower’s memoir of his life in the Arctic. In Kaktovik I’d met a number of Brower descendents and had my first experience with an Arctic winter—including spotting a polar bear and

Nancy Lord, Alaska State Writer, on Brower’s “Fifty Years Below Zero” Read More »

Authenticity, politics, “failed” novels and “odes to dead salmon”: Interview with our new Writer Laureate, Nancy Lord

Nancy Lord is the author of three collections of short stories and three literary nonfiction books, FISH CAMP: Life on an Alaskan Shore, GREEN ALASKA: Dreams from the Far Coast, and BELUGA DAYS: Tracking a White Whale’s Truths. She settled in Homer, Alaska in 1973. I have to add a personal note, that I first

Authenticity, politics, “failed” novels and “odes to dead salmon”: Interview with our new Writer Laureate, Nancy Lord Read More »

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