Poems in Place

Linda: 49 Writers Weekly Roundup

Our initial elation at Monday’s news that the months-long prioritization process at UAA has determined that the university should invest more resources in arts, languages, and humanities was quickly overshadowed by their conclusion that the Alaska Quarterly Review is one of the non-academic programs needing “further review, consideration for reduction or phase out.” Say it

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Linda: 49 Writers Weekly Roundup

This is your final reminder that the deadline to submit a short memoir piece to the 49 Writers Anchorage Remembers centennial anthology is June 30—click here for more information and to submit. We know there are many fascinating stories out there to share and this is a chance to see yours in print! It’s always a pleasure to round

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Linda: 49 Writers Round-Up

Thank you to author and columnist Elise Patkotak, who closed our spring Reading & Craft Talk last night at Great Harvest Bread Company by sharing her wit, wisdom—and serious side, as well as talking about her experiences with self-publishing. Thank you too to the couple dozen people who forsook the sunny spring evening outisde to

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