Rich Chiappone

‘Nobody wants to be called a nature writer’ : a response by Rich Chiappone

I have never blogged before, so forgive me if I’m not good at this. (I sound like an innocent farm boy on his first trip to the brothel. Promise not to laugh at me, please!) Bill Sherwonit’s recent post discussed what seems obvious to everyone around him: the fact that nobody wants to be called […]

‘Nobody wants to be called a nature writer’ : a response by Rich Chiappone Read More »

49 writers weekly round-up

What happened to June? I spent part of it on a tough assignment as a guest lecturer on an Inside Passage cruise (more about that next week) and another bit at the Alaska Book Festival in Fairbanks, but that doesn’t account for it all, and boy, is it gone. Hopefully you caught the four great

49 writers weekly round-up Read More »

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