We have a key! 30 Days to Opening Raven Place

The 49 Alaska Writing Center now has a home with a name: Raven Place.
As of today, we have a key. Pop the champagne!
We’re still finishing paperwork (will there ever be an end to paperwork?) but time is short. We plan to have an evening fundraiser on May 22, and we plan to open to summer guests on June 1. Why a guesthouse? The purpose of the vacation rental facility, loyal readers will recall, is to earn revenue to subsidize the cost of having physical space for writing center events — classes and readings — the rest of the year.
If you can paint, clean, help install a counter, help choose light fixtures — or just about anything else — please go to the link at right. We are assembling CODE RED work teams and we need you!

We will have come-on, come-all work parties on SATURDAY MAY 8 and SATURDAY MAY 15 from 12 to 5 pm. (RSVP please — to 49writers@gmail.com) Come help out, enjoy the spring weather, and meet some fellow writers and book-lovers
More news as it’s available…

4 thoughts on “We have a key! 30 Days to Opening Raven Place”

  1. Great news for Alaska writers.
    One thing missing from this announcement: where is the writing center? Is it a secret?

  2. Andromeda Romano-Lax

    Raven Place is in downtown Anchorage at 415 L Street, just next door to Snow City (great breakfasts and ever-ready coffee), across the street from Copper Whale Inn and Simon and Seafort's restaurant, and just uphill from the Coastal Trail. We'll try to make that more clear on all future announcements and we'll have much more to say as paperwork finalizes.

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