Weekly Round-Up of Alaska Writing News and Events

I hope you have all returned home inspired from last weekend’s Kachemak Bay Writers’ Conference. For those needing more inspiration, we still have lots going on at 49 Writers.

On July 23 at 7 pm, we’ll be hosting a special Crosscurrents event at the Anchorage Museum at Rasmuson to celebrate the launch of the Anchorage Remembers anthology, featuring forty authors. This project was made possible by a Community
Centennial Grant from the Alaska Humanities Forum, Rasmuson Foundation, and
Anchorage Centennial Celebration.

If you’re a 49 Writers member, watch for an e-vite to a special members-only event on July 14 with literary agent Jeff Kleinman.  In Juneau, our next member event is on August 6 from 7-9 pm; again, members should watch for details via email. (Not a member? Head over to our website to join.)

We have only a few spots left at our popular Tutka Bay Writers Retreat. Registration closes July 1. We’d love to have you join us for a special weekend of inspiration and instruction at one of the world’s top-rated wilderness lodges.

Last but not least, we’re looking for authors to get involved with Alaska Book Week Oct. 3 -11. Visit www.alaskabookweek.com and click the 2015 logo to participate. This year, you can also get involved with a video interview.

49 Writers Volunteer J.T. Torres


Events at the UAA Bookstore

June 24, 4-6 pm: Of possible interest to speculative fiction writers, Nicolle Zellner presents Shock Chemistry’s Application to Origin of Life. Zellner’s research interests focus on understanding the impact history in the Earth-Moon system, the extraterrestrial delivery of biomolecules, and how impacts affect the conditions for life on Earth.

On July 23 at 7 pm, 49 Writers hosts a special Crosscurrents event at the Anchorage Museum at Rasmuson to celebrate the launch of the Anchorage Remembers anthology, featuring by forty authors. This project was made possible by a Community Centennial Grant from the Alaska Humanities Forum, Rasmuson Foundation, and Anchorage Centennial Celebration.

2015 Sledgehammer 36-Hour Writing ContestJuly 25–26. The contest begins with an online scavenger hunt that participants can complete from anywhere. Along the way, they’ll collect four writing prompts, all of which must be incorporated into their story, which is due by midnight on Sunday. Writers can compete individually or as teams, and the contest is open to all ages. Cash prizes will be awarded to the best short stories of the weekend in the following categories:
·  Individual
·  Team
·  Readers’ Choice
·  Judge’s Choice
·  Youth (two prizes: elementary/middle school, high school)

Winners will also receive entry to writing-related events and the coveted golden sledgehammers.
Registration is just $25 for adults and $10/$5 for youth. Visit www.sledgehammercontest.com to learn more and register.

Local Library Events

Book Signings



Fireside Books in Palmer will host several authors this weekend. Friday, June 19 at 2 PM, Dennis L. Lattery will
be here with his book of Alaskan poems, written in the tradition of Robert
Service. It’s called
Northern Verses:
Poems of Alaska and the Yukon
. On Saturday, June 20 at 10 AM, Cil Gregoire will be here to sign copies of her
popular Fantasy series. Bill Richardson will be here June 26 at 1:00 PM, with
his Corky series. And keep your eyes and ears open for our July
events, such as the July 14 dinner
with Sherri Simpson and Frank Soos, featuring music by Tom Begich. Robin
McLean will be in July as well. The former Alaskan has been getting
lots of critical acclaim for her collection of short stories,
Reptile House.


Woosh Kinaadeiyí Open Mic Poetry Slam, June 19, 6:30 p.m. On the third Friday of every month, join local poets and performers of all ages and abilities in Juneau. This Friday’s theme will be “All the World’s a Poem.” Arrive at 6:00 p.m. to sign up. Stay to get slammed, with poetic politeness, of course!

The Art of the Essay, June 26-28, with Frank Soos, is a three-day intense class in reading and writing personal essays. The essay as practiced from the beginning of the form up to the present day is the most open to experimentation and innovation of all the commonly practiced forms. They will explore that range by discussing a variety of essay forms to consider how an essay can be made. Details and registration info at Northern Susitna Institute, Talkeetna AK.


The Tutka Bay Writers Retreat: What better way to jumpstart your writing? Don’t miss out on a fantastic retreat featuring two outstanding guest instructors, Ann Eriksson and Gary Geddes! September 11-13 at the fabulous Tutka Bay Lodge. Sign up today!

Last Frontier Theatre Conference, June 14-20, in Valdez, features new work by playwrights from around the country. There are evening performances, 10-minute play slams, even a fringe festival. The deadline is past for play submissions, but they may still need actors.

Wrangell Mountains Writing Workshop presents RiverSong with Frank Soos, Michelle McAfee, Robin Child, and Nancy Cook, July 22-27, McCarthy to Chitina. The Wrangell Mountains Writing Workshop is pleased to partner with McCarthy River Tours & Outfitters to host a six-day, five-night adventure in the fabulous Wrangell-St. Elias National Park. This year’s workshop will feature poet and essayist, Frank Soos, who is currently serving as Alaska’s Writer Laureate, joined by accomplished singer-songwriter Michelle McAfee, backcountry banjo-diva Robin Child, and workshop director Nancy Cook. Together they will explore the ways wilderness can help inspire songs, stories, poems, and essays. Activities include an opening reading/performance and craft sessions in the comfort of the Wrangell Mountains Center’s facility in McCarthy, followed by three nights and four days of creative inquiry along the Kennicott, Nizina, Chitina, and Copper Rivers. Space is limited to eight student writers/ songwriters.

Alaska Writers Guild & SCBWI Annual Writer’s Conference, September 19-20, Anchorage. Early registration starts May 2015. www.AlaskaWritersGuild.com

Alaska Women Speak is looking for a responsible maven fluent with InDesign (CS6) layout and website savvy to join the all-volunteer crew as Layout Editor. Here’s your chance to create for a 23rd year in the running, statewide, quarterly publication! This is not a site-specific volunteer opportunity, but sound Internet connection is required. Occasional Skype sessions apply. If interested, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact us at alaskawomenspeak@yahoo.com

13 Chairs Literary Journal, a new literary journal publishing short stories and poetry from new and emerging authors, seeks submissions and volunteers. They are currently composing their flagship issue, straight out of JBER, AK. To learn more, and to submit, email info@13chairs.com or visit 13chairs.com

From July 1 to August 15 the Rasmuson Foundation Artist Residency Program will
be accepting applications from Alaska artists and writers interested in a
fully-funded two-month residency in the Lower 48. The eligibility requirements have changed—Alaska-based
artists who have not received a Rasmuson Foundation Individual Artist Award are
now also eligible to apply. A free information session detailing the program,
eligibility requirements, and application process will be held June 26, at 6
p.m. in the Anchorage Museum’s Reynolds Classroom. Potential applicants
are invited to attend in-person or by teleconference. More information can be
found at rasmuson.org. If you have questions about the
program, contact Jayson Smart at jsmart@rasmuson.org or call 907-297-2882


Soon, we will all be able to hear the beautiful words in Lynne Curry’s upcoming book, Beating the Workplace Bully. Brilliance Audio recently purchased the audio rights!

The Poems in Place steering committee recently selected four winning entries from poems written by AlaskansCome September, Alaska will have a poem or two in each of the state park’s seven regions.

Leslie Leyland Field’s poem, “Tideline” and Fred Stager’s poem, “The Compass Rose,” will be placed in Fort Abercrombie State Historical Park in Kodiak.  Aleria Jensen’s poem, “A Soldier’s Station,” and Justine Pechuzal’s poem, “Pilgrims,” will be installed at Caines Head State Recreational Area, Seward. Local creative writing workshops will accompany sign dedications to be held in Kodiak and Seward this fall. For dates and details please stay tuned: http://www.alaskacenterforthebook.org/  

Have news or events you’d like to see listed here? Email details to 49roundup (at) gmail.com. Your message must be received by noon on the Thursday before the roundup is scheduled to run. Unless your event falls in the “Opportunities” category, it should occur no more than 30 days from when we receive your email.