What does a freeze on “fiction production” mean to society?

Nothing, according to the ever-prescient Onion, source of this humor piece last March. It seems even funnier now — oh wait; less funny I mean — in the light of recent publisher news about acquisitions freezes and firings.

LOS ANGELES—The Novelists Guild of America strike, now entering its fourth month, has had no impact on the nation at all, sources reported Tuesday.

The strike, which scholars say could be the longest since 1951, when American novelists may or may not have voluntarily committed to a six-month work stoppage, has brought an immediate halt to all new novels, novellas, and novelettes from coast to coast, affecting no one. Nor has America’s economy seen any adverse effects whatsoever, as consumers easily adjust to the sudden cessation of any bold new sprawling works of fiction or taut psychological character studies.

Read more at the Onion

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