Write-a-thon 2013: Join us in support of the literary arts in Alaska!

The annual Write-a-thon is the premier fundraising event of 49 Writers, and once again we are enlisting your involvement and support. No matter where you are, you can help bring in the individual contributions that are the life blood of the organization and its programming by dedicating 4 hours and 9 minutes of your time to writing supported by donations from family, friends, and lovers of literature. Not only that, it’s an opportunity to advance a writing project you’ve had in mind or in progress for a while but never get around to.

The main event will take place on Friday, April 12, 2013, 6:00-11:00 pm  at Snow City Café, but you can write at home, in another community or state, or even in another country! If you join us in Anchorage we promise a fun-filled evening of literary solidarity and camaraderie. Participants will write for 4 hours and 9 minutes, then we will celebrate our accomplishments at an after-party. MC Maia Nolan-Partnow is returning to keep us on track and to make regular prize drawings, and there will be stretch breaks plus Snow City nibbles and unlimited caffeine.

Online registration is $10 for adults and $5 for writers 18 and under. To register, go here and click the “Join Now” button. On-site registration will be $30.

Last year 46% of our 80 participants raised funds totaling $7,673. Imagine how successful we would be if everyone set a fundraising goal! So this year our overall target is $8,000 and we are asking you to secure at least $100 in donations. That’s ten x $10, five x $20, four x $25…(but you can do the math). In other words, we believe in your ability to convince others to contribute to the cause because you value the programs and events that we have brought you since 2010, including this blog, and want to see them continue and grow. If you do need tips or support, we have a dedicated team of coaches behind the scenes who can help you reach that goal–don’t hesitate to contact us if you’d like some assistance. All donations, large or small, online or offline, are tax deductible. Even if you don’t participate, you can make a donation to any writer with a fundraising page at FirstGiving.

Some comments from 2012 Write-a-thon participants:
  • Snow City was very cozy and had a great atmosphere!
  • I began my fourth novel and finished 7 pages (3,412 words). J Not the most but
    I’m really pleased with what I wrote.
  • My
    goal was to get most of a short story written and work in my top three donors
    as characters. Despite initially being without a plan (or even an idea) I
    managed to reach my goal! (Editor: And story was subsequently published…)
  • wanted to write about something that I am interested in, technology in future education. Hoped to write 3-4 pages from scratch and ended up with 6 pages.
  • Loved the energy and enthusiasm, and the fact people were working together for a common cause.

For more information, including FAQs and Fundraising Tips, visit the Write-a-thon page on the 49 Writers website. 

Look forward to seeing you there on April 12!