Writing the Distance: Carolyn Kremers

The Covid 19 pandemic is isolating Alaskan writers. We can no longer attend workshops or public readings. The coffee bars where we met with other writers are closed. To bridge these physical gaps, 49 Writers is providing this on-line forum for Alaskans writing the distance. Today, Carolyn Kremers provides a poem and photograph.

Earth Day 2020, 2:36 a.m.

Out my window,
the dots of diamonds –
Big Dipper, Polaris, Venus, Gemini.

Across the valley,
a sudden light –
pushing north on the Parks Highway.

Now another light, pushing south.

Yes, trucks. Two lone long-haul
trucks. No cars.

Then there is nothing,
but stars and planets.

The quiet.


Carolyn Kremers writes and teaches in Fairbanks.

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