Writing the Distance: Marilyn Bennett

The Covid 19 pandemic is isolating Alaskan writers. We can no longer attend workshops or public readings. The coffee bars where we met with other writers are closed. To bridge these physical gaps, 49 Writers is providing this on-line forum for Alaskans writing the distance. Today, Marilyn Bennett provides a poem and painting.

Ode To A Fly

First Fly

There he is

He’s wondering where he is

I’m wondering why he’s here

Just flying in lazy circles

Unaware of the danger

Where did he come from?

Hatched from some dark corner

Perhaps an egg his mom had laid

Between the wall and floor

A tiny crack no one noticed

Now he awakes this frosty morn

The snow is melting more each day

But it is – This Little Fly

That tells me with no doubt at all

That Spring has come

Awaking life another year

It brings me joy

To watch him fly

Around in lazy circles

And know that he

In his short life

Brought realization

That Spring is truly here

What Joy

That First Fly


Marilyn Bennett lives, writes, and paints in Palmer.

1 thought on “Writing the Distance: Marilyn Bennett”

  1. Linda O Squibb

    thanks for sharing your fly poem…. I too have been noticing the insects coming out but you captured this event so well and your artwork is perfect.

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