Alaskan Authors Weekly Round-Up

Just returned from hiking the Chilkoot Trail. Wow. Four days and three nights of living history and spectacular natural beauty like only Alaska and the Yukon can dish it up. No wonder so many authors – Jack London and Robert Service among them – were inspired by it. Hope to read more primary source stuff about the trail now that I’ve traversed it (partly in my underwear, but that’s another story).

On to this week’s round-up of Alaskan Author news. First, Ketchikan’s own Charlotte Glover, librarian, is quoted in Publishers Weekly Children’s Bookshelf. Glover, who gets rave reviews from visiting authors, talks about which books are flying off the shelves in Alaska’s rainiest city. Among them: Cynthia Rylant’s Lighthouse Family series, featuring animals on a Pacific Northwest island.

Next, Andromeda Romano-Lax has new blog, 49 Writers, One Moose, featuring Alaskan authors and their work. Andromeda has written 10 travel and natural history books, and her latest work, a novel called The Spanish Bow will be released in paperback this fall.

Hope you weren’t like me and missed Mike Doogan’s reading from his latest mystery, Skeleton Lake at Title Wave last night. In fact, I’m a little behind on all things Dooganesque, but I’m scrambling to catch up – partway through Lost Angel

Speaking of signings, when you’re up in the Valley for the fair, you can Andromeda Romano-Lax and Sherry Simpson at Fireside Books (Palmer) 10:30 to 12:30 and at Pandemonium Booksellers (Wasilla) 1 to 3 on August 30.

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