Andromeda: …And a call for First Friday authors

And the second part of our call for participation this week: we’re looking for our 2011 First Friday authors for signings which take place at the International Gallery of Contemporary Art (see our new ‘First Friday’) pages tab* above for 2011’s current lineup.

Paula Bryner, who coordinates the events for 49 Writers, volunteers for this particular effort because she enjoys meeting and spending time with authors. She says that a wide range of genres and titles really make the FF signings more successful, so don’t hold back because of your genre. (As an example, recent FF participants Anne Coray and Steve Kahn, a poet and memoirist, sold quite a few books at their event.)

The IGCA setting is absolutely hopping on First Fridays with a diverse and eclectic, art-loving crowd. All these elements combine to make this more than just your typically sleepy signing in a quiet bookstore. If you’re eager to tap into that downtown energy, contact Paula at The January 7 slot is available, as are slots on First Fridays from April onward.

*A quick thank you to Lorena, one of our great blog volunteers who is helping re-organize/clean up the site a little, including adding these new ‘pages.’ People like Lorena, Ela (roundup queen!) and Paula (FF hostess extraordinaire) keep this blog going, as do readers like you, and of course, people who send us blogposts and news, and let’s not forgot those who take time to leave comments. Thanks to all of you.