Finding your way around 49W

Hi friends. It’s my day to do a post but I’m behind the scenes, tinkering. And while I am, can I point out a few things that may help?

I’ve just added label-related links to the photos (scroll down and right) of three of our most recent guest-posters — Marybeth Holleman, Nancy Lord, Cinthia Ritchie — so you can find their posts in one place. I’ll continue to organize so you can find posts on other themes. At the far far lower right (the very bottom), a link will take you to nearly ALL the interviews we’ve done so far (they’re adding up!) as well as a series of posts about agents.

Did you know you can subscribe to this site? (See the righthand bar.) When you do, you get a simple email with the latest post. I tried it myself, and it works (though do remember to confirm when you get a followup email from Google — I forgot to click that link, duh, and had to try all over again a few weeks later).

Deb and I have been co-hosting this blog for only 3 months — can you believe it? — and the continuing challenge is how to arrange the good stuff we have. Suggestions are always welcome and — as always — thanks for visiting, for contributing, and for participating. We’re getting more hits every day, and I feel proud of our ongoing conversations about important topics.

2 thoughts on “Finding your way around 49W”

  1. Dear Deb and Andromeda
    I was amazed to read this blog has only been up for 3 months. Amazed because it is so well organized and interesting EVERY day. I like reading all the comments, too. I read your blog daily and sometimes more often if the comment thread is lively. Thanks for this. I enjoy it all – interviews, essays, book club, photos and thoughts about writing. (I am a reader, not a writer) Debbie

  2. Andromeda Romano-Lax

    Oh, thank you Debbie. So nice to hear. That kind of comment really keeps us going.

    (Full disclosure: Deb and I joined forces 3 months ago. We’d both been blogging on our own previously, so we had a little head start, but yes, the Jan. 1 blogmeld — as we call it — has been extra productive!)

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