Peggy Shumaker is the next Alaska Writer Laureate!

From Andromeda:

I was all ready to go with a prewritten post today about the Permanent Fund Dividend (I will run it tomorrow). But how fitting; instead of talking about what Alaska gives us, we can think today about what a generous Alaskan gives back. If you’re a writer, “giving back” can mean encouraging writers of all kinds, teaching, promoting others’ work, making time for your own writing as well, talking and blogging and creating learning opportunities across the state, and traveling Outside to help forge connections that help all of us.

Which brings me to… PEGGY SHUMAKER! As we know from the post she recently wrote about her typical to-do list, Peggy’s days are spent writing and helping writers (plus loving Joe). Here at 49 writers we just got the news that our September featured guest-poster, long-time supporter and friend was named Alaska State Writer Laureate, succeeding Nancy Lord, who also spent her last two years doing all the above, making this state a better place for writers and readers. Two great women who have done a lot for Alaska, serving in back-to-back terms.
We wish Peggy a huge congratulations — and we also send kudos to the Alaska Council on the Arts for opening up nominations to the public this year.

Leave Peggy a message here. OR: How about tossing some ideas into the ring about how she might spend her two-year term? Not that she doesn’t have her own ideas, but it’s fun to brainstorm …

4 thoughts on “Peggy Shumaker is the next Alaska Writer Laureate!”

  1. Congratulations, Peggy! I've so enjoyed your posts on 49Writers and your poetry. There is something very open and giving about the way you approach writing. Alaska is fortunate to have you!

  2. Congrats! I know you will use this appointment to keep doing the wonderful things you already do. Maybe this is a good opportunity to visit places in Alaska you haven't been yet, or take on a project that's been brewing in the back of your mind. Whatever you do with it, I'm sure it will be up to your usual high standards.

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