Joe Enzweiler

Ela: 49 Writers Weekly Round-up

A big thanks to John Morgan and Kelsea Habecker (pictured above) for a wonderful evening of poetry at our April 16 Synergies/Still North Reading and Performance event.  Kudos to volunteer coordinator Jeremy Pataky for all the arrangements, including the John Haines documentary-in-progress that was shown during the event. Writers statewide are mourning the loss of

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Ela: 49 Writers Weekly Round-up

Remember the 49 Writers First Friday book signing from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. tonight at the International Gallery of Contemporary Art, 427 D St. in Anchorage.  Deb Vanasse will be signing read-aloud titles for young readers (Under Alaska’s Midnight Sun, Totem Tale, Alaska Animal Babies) and books for older readers (Amazing Alaska, ages 7-10; A Distant Enemy,

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