writing center

A few more photos from the May 22 Heather Lende fundraiser! Jen, our Green Thumb volunteer, reacting to her lovely pipecleaner flower award. Deb, co-founder of the 49 Alaska Writing Center, tells us how we arrived at this day. Whew! Special guest Heather Lende signs a book for volunteer event leader Paula. Note the mug

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Andromeda: Drill, Baby, Drill — Work Party Success at Raven Place

Poets fixing light switches. Novelists painting trim. Journalists and creative nonfiction writers and screenwriters raking, scraping, hammering, even — my heart soars with gratitude — scrubbing out a toilet. It was a fantastic day last Saturday at Raven Place, the 49 Alaska Writing Center’s new home on L Street. (“L for literature!”) We had sun,

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A writer from Wrangell/Puerto Rico on the Alaska Writing Center

We asked lurkers to step forward, and here’s one of several who did: Vivian Faith Prescott, an Alaskan MFA poet writing to us from Puerto Rico. Before reading Vivian’s post, which arrived via email, I figured some folks refrained from commenting out of shyness. Now I’m thinking that perhaps a ‘comment’ is simply too limiting

A writer from Wrangell/Puerto Rico on the Alaska Writing Center Read More »

Andromeda: From the million-dollar Loft to the basement-based CityLit, models abound

On my trip last week to Seattle and Denver, I had a great time meeting directors of many Lower 48 Writing Centers. I also discovered that these centers have their own combined organizational identity as part of the “WC & C” (Writing Centers and Conferences) component of the 34,000-writer strong “AWP” (Association of Writers and

Andromeda: From the million-dollar Loft to the basement-based CityLit, models abound Read More »

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