49 writers online book club

49 Writers Weekly Round-Up

First, let me hearken back to the sixties to say that yesterday’s 49 Writers poetry discussion was a mind-blowing experience.  So many poets, so many great thoughts.  I expect to return often to the archived discussion.  Many thanks to all who participated. One of the topics batted about in the poetry discussion was voice, the […]

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And the winner is…

After a record voter turnout, and a good close race: “Ode to Stinkin.” I’ll be contacting the winner to arrange delivery of an autographed Ray Troll t-shirt of the writer’s choice. Many thanks to all who entered, voted, and spread the word about our contest. We’ll look forward to another when salmon season rolls around

And the winner is… Read More »

Book Club Nominations

It’s time once again to choose a book for the 49 Writers online book club discussion. Here’s how it works: we take nominations through your comments, then poll to select a book. Those who choose to participate have approximately one month to read the book so they can join in an online discussion; this time,

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